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Serving Southern Connecticut For Over 65 Years

Serving Southern Connecticut For Over 65 Years


Healthy System, Happy Home: It’s Not Too Late for AC Maintenance

Dirty air conditioning unit covered in leaves during autumn. Home air conditioning, HVAC, repair, service, fall cleaning and maintenance concept.

Most homeowners know that AC maintenance should ideally be scheduled before they use their AC systems for the cooling season. Conversely, heating system maintenance should be scheduled before the heating season. What’s not so commonly known is that HVAC maintenance can be scheduled at any point during the season.

In fact, you’re much better off scheduling AC maintenance in Milford at a not-so-typical time than not scheduling at all. Let’s go over the benefits of late-season AC tune-ups. Even though the cooler fall weather is right around the corner, you never know when a warm day will pop up. You’ll also get peace of mind knowing your system received this essential service.

Extend the Lifespan of Your AC System

Your AC system works hard all summer long to keep your home cool. When it toils away throughout the summer without maintenance, it incurs unnecessary wear and tear. A professional HVAC tune-up from our team ensures that all components are clean, lubricated, and functioning correctly, reducing strain on the system.

Preventive maintenance catches potential problems early before they escalate into major repairs or cause permanent damage. In fact, the 10-15-year lifespan of your cooling system only applies to systems that have received regular annual maintenance. If you use a heat pump or ductless mini split for summer cooling, these systems should be maintained twice a year because they function year-round.

Improve Energy Efficiency

Did you skip maintenance this year and realize your utility bills seem higher? Dust, dirt, and debris accumulate in an air conditioning system that hasn’t received a tune-up. This causes it to have to work harder to reach the set temperature on the thermostat. And when your AC has to work longer and harder, the result is higher utility bills.

Our HVAC technicians clean and inspect the AC’s components to make sure they’re in good working order. When these parts are clean and functioning as they should, your AC system operates efficiently, using less energy to cool your home. Even at the end of the season, this boost in efficiency should result in noticeable savings on your energy bills.

Prepare for Next Season

Scheduling AC maintenance late in the season is also an excellent way to prepare for the next cooling season. When your AC system is well-maintained, it’s more likely to start up without issues when the temperatures rise again. A proactive tune-up ensures that your cooling system is in good shape and ready to handle the demands of next summer.

Address Minor Issues Before They Become Major Problems

Scheduling late-season AC maintenance gives our technicians a chance to inspect the system and identify any potential issues. This proactive approach can help you avoid a system that doesn’t work as it should when you switch it on to combat an unseasonably warm autumn day. 

Experience the exceptional performance of a well-cared-for air conditioning system. We’re your reliable partner in ensuring your comfort remains uninterrupted. Schedule your maintenance appointment today.

Heating and Cooling Experts Since 1959. Contact M&R Mechanical Services today for exceptional AC maintenance services.

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