Why Regular HVAC System Maintenance Is Essential for Better Air Quality

Technician installing a clean HVAC air filter

Have you ever stopped to think about the air you breathe inside your home? With most of us spending a significant amount of time indoors, the quality of the air we breathe is crucial for our health and well-being. However, it’s often something homeowners overlook. At M&R Mechanical Services, we can do more than just […]

How Smart Thermostats Can Maximize Comfort & Energy Efficiency

man holding his cellphone to control the smart thermostat on the wall

Smart technology has revolutionized our daily lives. From ordering food to managing our music and even driving our cars, it seems like there’s nothing that can’t be made smarter. One area where this technology is making a huge impact is in our homes, specifically with the rise of smart thermostats. A smart thermostat is a […]
